🖼️OG Community NFTs

While there is no governance token yet, these NFTs allow early community members to participate actively in forming Encryptify's direction and get rewarded through benefits and perks.

NFT collection "Journey To Mainnet"

For each important milestone of Encryptify's journey to Mainnet, there will be one mintable and limited edition NFT. Each NFT gives benefits and special perks related to that milestone and the current development phase of the protocol.

All minting proceeds and a 7.5% royalty on secondary market NFT sales go towards a community treasury, solely dedicated to rewarding community contributions and funding the Community Rewards Program.

Once we deploy to Mainnet, the OG Community NFTs will be combinable to a final utility NFT.

OG Community NFT utilities

  • Access to gated content and discussion channels

  • Early voting rights pre-TGE

  • Access to dedicated presale rounds and special deals

  • Early access to prototypes or newly developed protocol features

  • Honor & fame

OG Community NFT mints

Closed mints

These mints are already closed and have sold out! You can try to buy on secondary markets.

The Journey Begins
  • Supply limit: Time-limited mint, until 31st of December 2023

  • Mint price: 0.025 ETH

  • Mint requirements: Subscribe to Encryptify Mirror feed

  • Total number of mints: 114

  • Closed: 31st of December 2023

Buy on secondary market

Upcoming mints

Please follow our socials to not miss the next mint!

Last updated